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新年節慶繪本 Busy、peppa’s Chinese New Year 硬頁書 佩佩豬

商品編號:P0131106428657 原始貨號:P0131106428657


$ 219
  • Peppa’s Moon festiva
  • dragon boat festival
  • Busy Chinese new....
  • Peppa’s Chinese new.
  • Peppa節慶繪本3本/套
  • Bizzy bear Chinese n
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新年到,穿新衣戴新帽,你知道還有什麼有趣的習俗嗎?   推、拉、轉互動機關,幼兒遊戲書排行榜常勝軍Busy書系,   這次要帶孩子們認識傳統文化,歡慶農曆年。   迎新春,年前家人們忙著大掃除,貼春聯、掛燈籠,將家裡裝飾得喜氣洋洋。除夕夜,全家人團聚在大圓桌旁,桌上有吃不完的大餐,而且還有一個大驚喜……長輩來發紅包啦。不只這樣,書本封面上還有一個好大的舞龍,拉動拉拉頁,你也可以跟著小朋友一起看煙火,熱鬧迎接新年喔!   Busy幼兒遊戲書畫風清新可愛,精選押韻字編寫簡單的英文故事,開展生活主題,是各大書籍暢銷排行榜上的常勝軍,翻翻、拉拉、轉轉等機關設計,讓寶貝愛不釋手。   In Busy Chinese New Year, children can have lots of fun pulling, pushing and turning the mechanisms. Join in with the celebrations as the Lion and Dragon dance, enjoy a family banquet and watch the spectacular fireworks.   Children will love playing with this bright and colourful board book with lots to spot, a gentle rhyme and wonderful illustrations by Ilaria Falorsi.   Discover more of the Busy Book series: Busy Garage, Busy Builders, Busy Playtime, Busy Beach, Busy Garden, Busy Airport, Busy Railway, Busy Town, Busy Farm, Busy Bookshop, Busy Swimming, Busy Fire Station, Busy Zoo, Busy Hairdresser, Busy Pets, Busy Baking, Busy Park, Busy Farm, Busy Café, Busy Vet, Busy Nativity, Busy Boats, Busy Baby Animals, Busy Nursery, Busy Zoo, Busy Holiday, Busy Halloween, Busy Elves, Busy Lion Cubs, Busy Friends, Busy Tractor, Busy Reindeer, Busy Kittens. ———————————————————— 粉紅豬小妹這次又有什麼好玩的活動呢? 原來是中國農曆新年的慶祝活動! 寫春聯、舞龍舞獅, 還可以在教室裡掛上紅色燈籠,熱鬧極了!   農曆新年到了,幼稚園的瞪羚老師(Madame Gazelle)帶大家一起認識這一個熱鬧非凡的傳統節慶。瞪羚老師說,農曆新年是一個關於家庭團聚還有慶祝好運的日子,今天大家也一起來慶祝吧!   兔子小姐也來幫忙,她帶來了許多充滿年味的紅色燈籠,孩子們忙著寫春聯,佩佩問老師,為什麼要用紅色的紙呢?瞪羚老師說,因為在中國,紅色是代表幸運的顏色呀!接著老師還帶著所有小朋友吃了美味的年菜,甚至一起舞龍,慶祝新年到來!   充滿濃濃年味與喜慶氣氛的新年書,教導小朋友有關過年的習俗以及有趣的活動,是孩子認識這個傳統節慶的最佳啟蒙書。   本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book)   It is Chinese New Year and Madame Gazelle is teaching the children all about this very special celebration. Peppa and George and their friends make Chinese New Year cards, try tasty Chinese treats and even take part in their very own dragon parade!