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預購 Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-up World 迪士尼公主 魔法 立體書 禮物書

商品編號:P0131106428615 原始貨號:P0131106428615
$ 1,690
  • 付款方式:
    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / 刷卡分期 / 超商代碼繳費 / ATM 轉帳
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    常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨付款 / 常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨不付款


規格:精裝 / 5頁 / 28.7 x 24.4 x 6.1 cm / 普通級



當代立體書大師Matthew Reinhart精心設計 互動式驚奇設計,迪士尼經典場景,3D華麗重現

  以備受喜愛的迪士尼公主為主角,由當代立體書大師馬修.萊茵哈特(Matthew Reinhart)設計,書中包含《美女與野獸》貝兒、《睡美人》奧蘿拉、《小美人魚》愛麗兒、《魔髮奇緣》樂佩、《風中奇緣》寶嘉康蒂、《白雪公主》、《花木蘭》……等 11 個迪士尼電影及公主,超過 25 個獨具巧思的立體機關及轉景設計,精細紙藝讓主角和場景栩栩如生。看灰姑娘如何一秒變身,以華麗禮服登場?一起重溫王子親吻睡美人的經典浪漫時刻,並和茉莉公主一同坐上魔毯,展開精采旅程……好看好玩的互動式設計,兼具趣味和收藏性,不管是喜愛迪士尼魔法的孩子,或是始終保有童心的大人,這本立體書都讓人愛不釋手。


Starring the timeless characters that have made the Disney Princess films a treasured part of pop culture and animation history, this visually stunning volume is packed with intricately designed pop-ups, transformative scenes, and many other surprises. With state-of-the-art paper engineering and beautifully rendered illustrations, Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World brings these castles and characters brilliantly to life, capturing the magical worlds that have enthralled audiences for decades. This collectible piece of Disney Princess magic spans eleven films and princesses, including fan-favorites such as Belle, Snow White, Ariel, and Rapunzel. Through twenty-seven pop-ups and transformative scenes, the key moments from these beloved films leap from the page, and the accompanying text makes this book a wonderful interactive reading experience that families will treasure. Join Cinderella as she transforms for the ball, Jasmine as she embarks on a magic carpet ride, Aurora as she pricks her finger on Maleficent's spinning wheel and is saved by her prince, and Merida as she bravely fights to decide her own destiny. The ultimate pop-up for collectors, Disney fans, and kids of all ages, Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World is an indispensable celebration of these enduring characters, stories, and fairy tales.