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四季之美立體書 Pop-Up Book

商品編號:P0131106428432 原始貨號:P0131106428432
$ 699
  • Flora: A Botanical P
  • Snowscape: A Winter
  • Leaves: An Autumn Po
  • Shells: A Pop-Up Boo
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    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / 刷卡分期 / 超商代碼繳費 / ATM 轉帳
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Snowscape: A Winter Pop-Up Book 高精緻度立體設計,美感x知識雙重奏 細膩的紙藝呈現多重層次的豐富視覺效果 走進銀白世界冬季秘境,感受大自然的神奇和美好   雪花靜靜飄落,將大地覆蓋上銀白色的絨毯,為了做好過冬的準備,動物們忙著找尋食物來源,也有的動物開始進入冬眠……7個高精緻度的立體場景,細膩的紙藝呈現多重層次的豐富視覺效果,過冬中的動物們可愛靈動的姿態,邀請讀者走進銀白色的冬季秘境,一起感受大自然的美妙。   此外,每頁都可以找到1-2個互動式小機關,為讀者揭露更多關於冬天的小秘密。你知道空氣和濕度的差異會影響雪花的形狀嗎?喜歡藏堅果的小松鼠,原來是依靠靈敏的嗅覺找到事先儲放好的食物喔!細細觀察冬季的自然生態,閱讀的同時也增進對大自然的了解,在立體書頁間感受季節之美。 Snowfall quietly blankets the landscape. Critters scurry in search of food, while others hibernate in wait for warmer weather. Each spread is packed with unique interactive pop-ups, changing pull-tabs, and fascinating facts within this winter pop-up book. Leaves: An Autumn Pop-Up Book 當季節入秋,隨著日照時間變短,樹葉由綠色轉變為金黃色、橘黃色和紅色,葉片逐漸飄落,候鳥也遷往更溫暖的地方準備過冬。樹葉沙沙作響,松鼠將堅果埋藏在樹葉底下,動物們紛紛忙著儲存過冬的糧食,蘑菇則從潮濕的土壤冒出頭。   為什麼樹葉會變色?動物們如何準備過冬?翻開頁面中的互動式小機關,欣賞秋季豐富的生態樣貌,閱讀的同時也增進對大自然的了解。7個高精緻度的立體場景,細膩的紙藝呈現多重層次的視覺效果,邀請讀者沉浸色彩豐富的美麗秋日,在立體書頁間感受季節之美。 Readers of all ages will enjoy the timeless wonder of autumn leaves in this amazing new pop-up book from paper engineer Yoojin Kim---her first---teamed with award-winning author Janet Lawler and artist Lindsay Dale-Scott. This book, which can be considered a seasonal companion with Jumping Jack Press' all-time best seller and award winning, Snowflakes, includes amazing pop-ups, educational information, and delightful interactive elements that offer change and surprise on every page in this lyrical look at Autumn. Shells: A Pop-Up Book of Wonder 夏季燦爛陽光照射下的海灘,各式各樣的貝殼閃閃發亮。貝殼不只有著優美造型,堅硬的材質更能為許多海洋生物提供保護,比如寄居蟹以貝殼為家,抵禦外來的威脅;偽裝蟹則是天生的偽裝大師,善用海草覆蓋在殼上,以偽裝達到防禦的效果。此外,有時候甚至能在貝殼中發現意外的驚喜,找到美麗的珍珠!    7個高精緻度的立體場景,細膩的紙藝呈現多重層次的視覺效果,搭配互動式小機關,邀請讀者前往夏日的美麗大海,欣賞夏季豐富的生態樣貌,閱讀的同時也增進對大自然的了解,在立體書頁間感受季節之美。 Along summer beaches, shells beckon with their timeless beauty and wonder. They provide protection for many ocean animals, populate colorful coral reefs, and sometimes surprise with a pearl inside! Fabulous interactive features and fun facts abound in this summertime pop-up book.   2019 Gold Medal Moonbeam Award Winner Jumping Jack Press Pop-Up Books feature elaborate pop-ups and interactive elements designed to delight and charm readers of all ages. Flora: A Botanical Pop-Up Book 有些花以特殊的顏色和香氣,吸引蜜蜂傳遞花粉,而蜜蜂則把採到的花蜜釀製成蜂蜜。同樣肩負傳遞花粉任務的還有昆蟲和鳥類,你知道有超過300種以上的果實仰賴蝙蝠來傳遞花粉嗎?植物完成授粉後,產生果實和種子,但你知道不是每種植物都有果實嗎?    7個高精緻度的立體場景,細膩的紙藝呈現多重層次的視覺效果,搭配互動式小機關,邀請讀者置身春日的美麗花海,了解美麗花朵在大自然中扮演的重要角色,閱讀的同時也增進對大自然的了解,在立體書頁間感受季節之美。 Peek inside this spring-inspired pop-up book and discover how flowers are more than just beautiful; they are critical components of the natural world. Bees buzz, hummingbirds sip, and bats flit amongst the brilliant petals. Each spread is filled with unique pop-ups, revealing pull-tabs, and captivating facts.