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現貨 做自己情緒的小主人 Dealing with Feelings 故事讀本套書(5本合售)

商品編號:P0131102742115 原始貨號:P0131102742115
$ 450
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ISBN:9780593583166 規格:平裝 / 160頁 / 23 x 15 x 1 cm 出版地:美國 適讀年齡:4歲~6歲 孩子鬧情緒,有時是因為不知道該如何表達…… Dealing with Feelings 五冊故事讀本套書 陪伴孩子面對興奮、快樂、傷心、妒忌和恐懼, 指認情緒,擴增相關的語彙,傳達抽象的感受, 適切溝通表達,做自己情緒的小主人。   全球最具影響力的出版集團藍燈書屋編輯群,以優美的文句、全彩高品質印刷,對應興奮、快樂、傷心、妒忌和恐懼等五種感受,編寫具啟發性又貼近孩子生活經驗的精采故事。   和故事中的主角一起學習在興奮過了頭的時刻,適時冷靜下來;難過時,試著透過行動轉換心情;當孩子被情緒籠罩時,嘗試詢問、沉穩聆聽,開啟創造轉念的契機。   閱讀簡易卻出色的文本,幫助孩子擴增情緒相關語彙,在生活中遇到類似情境時,逐漸能指認、描繪抽象的感受,奠定口說和寫作基礎。 本套書包含以下5本書: (1)This Makes Me Silly (2)This Makes Me Happy (3)This Makes Me Sad (4)This Makes Me Jealous (5)This Makes Me Scared 每本書的第一頁和最後一頁,皆附主題貼紙。 內文佳句欣賞: ◇What a great day! My heart feels like a hot air balloon high in the sky. ◇It is a rainy night. The raindrops look like tears on my window. ◇I am jealous. I feel as prickly as my cactus plant. ◇My body is shaking. My heart is racing. I start to panic… My teacher says we can face my fear together. ◇I feel like I am full of tiny bubbles about to burst! My giggles are back. But I know how to calm down if I need to.   The Dealing with Feelings series of early readers are designed to give voice to what’s brewing inside.   While children enjoy expressing themselves—be it through laughter or tears—they don’t always have the words to articulate their emotions. Through short, simple text and repetitive observational phrases, the child will learn to name their emotions as they also learn to read. Colorful stickers are included in each book.