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古飛樂 360度3D立體遊戲書 The Gruffalo Carousel Book

商品編號:P0131102741803 原始貨號:P0131102741803
$ 390
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經典繪本《古飛樂》360度3D立體遊戲書   全球銷售突破1,350萬冊,經典人氣作品《古飛樂》推出3D立體環繞場景故事書 3大故事場景+9個角色紙偶,讓孩子自由發揮創意,培養創造力,上演古飛樂奇遇記   享譽世界的童書經典The Gruffalo推出3D環狀立體書!打開這本令人眼睛一亮的立體書,360度的環繞場景,帶給你三種不同故事情境。在書裡,你可以跟著老鼠一起走進黑漆漆的森林深處,探索狐狸的地下洞穴,或是勇闖貓頭鷹的樹屋以及蛇的圓木樁。不只可以讀原本的故事,也可以邊讀邊玩。書中附有九個角色紙偶,大小讀者可以搭配故事場景自由運用,自編自導,創造專屬於自己版本的古飛樂冒險!另附贈特製信封,方便收納角色紙偶。   古飛樂(The Gruffalo)由英國童書作家茱莉亞.唐納森(Julia Donaldson)與插畫家Axel Scheffler共同創造出的古飛樂,是毫無疑問的現代童書經典,深獲大人小孩喜愛。   Walk into the deep dark wood with Mouse in this this amazing pop-up carousel book, and discover what happens when he comes face to face with a fox, an owl, a snake . . . and a hungry Gruffalo!   Read the much-loved story, then press out the play pieces and join in all the fun with three stunning pop-up play scenes. There are lots of holes to peep through, things to spot and flaps to open, so you can explore the deep dark wood with Mouse. Discover Fox's underground house, Owl's treetop and Snake's logpile – but watch out for the Gruffalo hiding in the trees! The Gruffalo Carousel Book includes a special envelope for safe storage of the 9 play pieces and a ribbon closure.   Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's The Gruffalo is an undisputed modern classic and has become a best-selling phenomenon across the world with over 13.5 million copies sold. This award-winning rhyming story of a mouse and a monster has found its way into the hearts and bedtimes of an entire generation of children and will undoubtedly continue to enchant children for years and years to come.