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現貨🍀英文傳記繪本Counting on Katherine🍀美國數學家凱瑟琳·約翰遜精彩一生【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804709324 原始貨號:P0077804709324
$ 308
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語言 : English 作者:Helaine Becker; Dow Phumiruk (ILT) 平裝 /40頁 規格:28.6cm*24.1cm*1.3cm (高/寬/厚) 出版日:2018/06/19 產品描述 美國宇航局女英雄使用數學觸摸月球的真實故事。數學很重要。凱瑟琳·約翰遜證明了這一點。小時候,她數了數道路上的台階和水池中的盤子。當她長大後,她所做的一切使歷史性的阿波羅11號登月任務再次發生。 這本美麗的全彩書講述了一位傑出的數學天才的人生故事,他也為平等權利而戰。了解如何在首次登月任務遇到大麻煩時,所有宇航員最終都指望凱瑟琳! 一部全彩的令人振奮的傳記 開拓性的非洲裔美國婦女的故事 展示凱瑟琳如何使登月成為可能 說明她如何使阿波羅13號擺脫了可怕的危險 使用數學保存生命/改變歷史的生動故事 凱瑟琳·約翰遜(Katherine Johnson)於2020年2月24日去世,享年101歲 The bold story of Katherine Johnson, an African-American mathematician who worked for NASA during the space race and was depicted in the film Hidden Figures. You've likely heard of the historic Apollo 13 moon landing. But do you know about the mathematical genius who made sure that Apollo 13 returned safely home? As a child, Katherine Johnson loved to count. She counted the steps on the road, the number of dishes and spoons she washed in the kitchen sink, everything! Boundless, curious, and excited by calculations, young Katherine longed to know as much as she could about math, about the universe. From Katherine's early beginnings as a gifted student to her heroic accomplishments as a prominent mathematician at NASA, this is the story of a groundbreaking American woman who not only calculated the course of moon landings but, in turn, saved lives and made enormous contributions to history. A Christy Ottaviano Book