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【現貨】精裝科普知識繪本🍀The Skies Above My Eyes🍀Yuval Zommer 風琴書3公尺拉頁書

商品編號:P0077804709282 原始貨號:P0077804709282
$ 598
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The Skies Above My Eyes 作者:Charlotte Guillain & Yuval Zommer 裝訂/頁數:精裝/20頁 這本書全部打開共有300公分長 規格:35cm*32cm (高/寬) 語彙測量 ‏ : ‎ AD820L 繼The Street Beneath My Feet (Look Closer)《地面下有什麼呢?》之後,英國知名插畫家Yuval Zommer尤瓦‧左默繼續用這本超~長~的繪本, 帶領小朋友仰望天空,從頭頂上一路往上看! 內容簡介 你有沒有想過,你的頭頂上還有那麼廣闊的空間,有沒有哪些事情在發生呢? 尤瓦‧左默以一幅雙面合計6公尺長的拉頁畫,配合童書作家夏綠蒂‧吉利安像小老師一樣的生動解說,帶著小朋友一路不停地往上飛,看見摩天大樓、高山、客機、大氣層,最後進入宇宙探險,發現原來看不見的頭頂上還有這麼多東西! 一個小女孩走在鬧哄哄的城市裡,看著都市裡繁忙的街道景象,這時她抬起頭,突然想到:「不知道天空上有什麼東西呢?」於是她開始往天上飛去,告訴我們她見到的東西。起初是高樓大廈和洗窗工人,然後是直升機停機坪和直升機。這孩子就這樣不停地飛上去,從平流層、臭氧層到氣象氣球和太空站,一路描述出現在她眼前的奇妙事物。 這本包羅萬象的繪本充滿了迷人的科學知識,建構出完整的地球科學與天文學觀念。精細的插畫和文字巧妙輝映,充分掌握每個海拔高度的自然與人為特徵,以及離開地球之後的宇宙空間感,讓讀者順暢地沿著3公尺長的拉頁毫不中斷地往下讀。每個高度都描繪出相應的環境氛圍與細部質感,讓讀者得以進一步檢視,包括氣象衛星、國際太空站、八大行星和彗星。 整本書是以拉頁設計,每一頁前後相連,整個拉開之後攤在地板上,就能一覽無遺地看見從地表到太空的景物變化。書中的科學內容涵蓋了多種學科主題,從地球科學、氣象學、生態學到太空科學,能立刻引起小朋友對地球與宇宙的好奇心,一口氣吸收所有的知識。適合絕大多數圖書館收藏。 這本書全部打開共有300公分長,帶你連續不間斷地從地面開始,往上飛越每一個高度,再翻到另一面從另外一頭降落回地面,走完超過100億公里的空中之旅!現在就一起把這本書打開,欣賞地表上方的奇特風景吧! 編輯評論 About the Author Charlotte Guillain lives in Oxfordshire, UK. She writes fiction and non-fiction for children, including the picture book Spaghetti with the Yeti, which was shortlisted for Oscar’s First Book Prize 2014 and has featured in CBeebies Bedtime Stories. The Street Beneath My Feet, Charlotte’s first title for words & pictures, was shortlisted for the UKLA Book Awards 2018 and named an ALSC Notable Children’s Book 2018 in the All Ages category, as well as being selected by the Guardian as one of 15 ‘modern classics’. Yuval Zommer graduated from the Royal College of Art with an M.A. in illustration and pursued a successful career in advertising before returning to his true love of children's literature. Following the release of his debut picture book, The Big Blue Thing On The Hill, Yuval hasn't looked back. The Street Beneath My Feet, Yuval's first title for words & pictures, in collaboration with author Charlotte Guillain, was shortlisted for the UKLA Book Awards 2018 and named an ALSC Notable Children’s Book 2018 in the All Ages category, as well as being selected by the Guardian as one of 15 ‘modern classics’. Yuval and Charlotte’s follow-up title, The Skies Above My Eyes, continues with the innovative concertina format of their first book, this time looking up at the sky and universe above us. He lives and works in London, UK.