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現貨🍀Usborne英文自然科普知識繪本Look Inside Your Body人體立體書🍀硬頁書帶翻翻頁【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804709115 原始貨號:P0077804709115
$ 349
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    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / ATM 轉帳
  • 運送方式:
    常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨付款 / 常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨不付款 / 宅配


Look Inside Your Body (硬頁書) 作者:Louie Stowell; Kate Leake 裝訂/頁數:硬頁書/14頁 規格:21.6cm*19.2cm (高/寬) 這是一本色彩鮮明的人體立體書,很多翻頁翻開裡面都還有小翻頁,不僅能夠訓練孩子小手翻翻,還能了解人類身體的構造,讓孩子可以邊動手邊學習。 From brains and blood to senses and skin – children will love exploring the ins-and-outs of the human body with this fantastic interactive book. Young readers’ minds will boggle as they learn about how their brains work, what happens when they eat, how their lungs use oxygen and much more. Full of surprises to keep enquiring minds entertained, including flaps beneath flaps and a cheeky peek inside a toilet cubicle.