這是西班牙知名女插畫家朱莉婭·薩達 (Júlia Sardà)作為作家兼插畫家創作的第一本繪本。
講述了一個神秘的現代童話故事,環環相扣的冒險之旅,每一頁都是令人驚嘆。 華麗的色彩和豐富的視覺戲劇感,簡單線條勾勒出濃厚的歐式複古風。 內容簡介 洞穴裡的女王 Franca夢見森林裡有個住在洞穴的神奇女王。 她想知道夢的情境是真是假,便邀約妹妹一起去探險。她們進入森林、匍匐在地道,聽三位大巨人般的巫婆聲大如雷般地討論某個黑舌巨人喜歡吃臭東西的事;也遇到號稱抓到什麼吃什麼的尖嘴鳥和老鼠怪﹙怎麼辦呢?不要看牠們眼睛就好﹚;也和蜘蛛奶奶一起吊掛在蜘蛛網上喝咖啡。蜘蛛奶奶有397個孫子,但是他們忙著在外地做絲品貿易…
三姊妹還會遇到那些怪奇生物呢?面對恐怖怪物,他們學會勇敢面對,面對最深層的恐懼。 至於女王呢?是否如路上經歷的一樣恐怖呢?還是如夢中的一樣偉大了不起呢?
One night, Franca has a dream about a marvelous queen who lives in a dark cave, deep in the forest. She cannot sit still until she knows if her dream is true. So with her younger sisters, Carmela and Tomasina, Franca ventures into the forest at the end of their garden. As they travel deeper through nettles and thickets, drawing closer and closer to the cave, the world shifts, and everything shrinks and expands at the same time. Here, they meet beasts and creatures that shock and delight them, and they escape horrible things that frighten them. They learn to be brave, to be bold, to face their darkest fears. And what of the queen? Well, what they find in the cave is perhaps the most .unexpected thing of all .