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現貨🍀 精装英文繪本🍀The Ear 傾聽/身份/友誼🍀愛沙尼亞女插畫家Piret Raud構圖大膽故事獨特超現實主義

商品編號:P0077804708889 原始貨號:P0077804708889
$ 478
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The Ear 作者:Piret Raud 裝訂/頁數:精裝/32頁 規格:23.5cm*19cm*0.31cm (高/寬/厚) 出版日:2019/02/21 這本書的創作靈感來自梵谷割掉他的耳朵後的故事。 沒有頭部的耳朵陷入了身份危機,不知道它屬於哪裡,也不知道它可以用來做什麼。 它嘗試了各種新的生活方式, 最終他發現他唯一能做到的是傾聽,因為傾聽,孤獨的耳朵結交了不少新朋友 想像耳朵離開頭部之後的旅程, 於是他不斷地聆聽... 我們很難做到聆聽而不去批判, 但世上有很多需要被人純粹地聆聽的故事。 A surreal and charming fable about Van Gogh’s headless ear and her search for identity, purpose, and acceptance, by Estonia’s leading children’s book illustrator. When Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh cuts off his ear, the ear is suddenly left alone and headless. What will become of her? Where should she go? What should she do? Aware of how small and insignificant she is in the big, wide world, the ear experiences something of an identity crisis. She simply doesn’t know who she is anymore. But thanks to a downcast frog with a heavy heart who simply needs to be listened to, she realizes what she can offer to the world: a sympathetic ear. News of the ear’s unique ability to listen spreads, and soon animals travel from far and wide just to visit her. But the ear’s newfound happiness is threatened when she is caught up in a spider’s web of gossip and lies. The ear’s new friends, grateful for everything she has done for them, come to her rescue. And from that day on, the ear never feels headless again. Piret Raud’s hand-drawn artwork is breathtaking for its exquisite detail. Vibrant colors and bold compositions complement this beguiling story about identity, kindness, and friendship. Piret Raud 是一位愛沙尼亞作家,恰好是愛沙尼亞最受歡迎和最獨特的兒童讀物作者之一——她的出版物以其獨特和超現實的想法,迷人生動、大膽富有創意的插圖而聞名。