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🍀精裝英文科普立體書Pop-Up Earth地球🍀Annabelle Buxton 🍀 5個令人歎為觀止的立體頁

商品編號:P0077804708828 原始貨號:P0077804708828

缺書店店主LINE  ID:susanliang2016


Pop-up Earth

作者:Annabelle Buxton and Anne Jankeliowitch


規格:30cm*23cm (高/寬)


$ 680
$ 689
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地球 立體書 我們居住在地球,可是對地球了解多少呢?在這本地球立體書中,作者將帶領認識為什麼地球這麼特別?日轉星移,地球經過哪些改變呢?這些改變和生物相關又有什麼關聯呢?





畫家Annabelle Buxton畢業於法國聖特拉斯堡的藝術學院,畫作出現在許多書中。

2011年贏得Prix Jeunes Talent。

相關作品有Pop-Up Moon、Solar System。

A dazzling pop-up book full of amazing facts about our planet, certain to entertain the entire family! You live on it, but how much do you really know about the planet Earth?

In this incredible pop-up book, discover why the Earth is so special by learning about how it's changed over time, how all living things are connected, how tectonic plates form mountains, and about different ecosystems around the world.

In Pop-Up Earth five colorful, breathtaking pop-ups reveal the inner workings of the planet.

Intricate illustrations and fact-filled pages connect us to our world, making this a perfect gift for young ecologists and climate activists. Budding geologists and anyone curious about how our planet works will be amazed!

作者介紹 Anne Jankeliowitch Anne Jankeliowitch is an engineer specializing in the environment. She has worked for several years in nature conservation and for the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace. She contributed to the bestseller The Earth from the Air, and to several other nature-related books. Olivier Charbonnel Olivier Charbonnel has been a paper engineer for nearly thirty years, and he has created numerous pop-up books. Annabelle Buxton Annabelle Buxton is a graduate of the Eécole Estienne and the College of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg (HEAR). Her illustrations have appeared in numerous books, and in 2011, she won the Prix Jeunes Talent from the Acadeémie d'Alsace des Sciences, Lettres et Arts.