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現貨🍀平裝英文繪本🍀 Fergal Is Fuming!入圍英國水石圖畫書獎🍀教小孩學習情緒控制【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804708706 原始貨號:P0077804708706
$ 289
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Fergal is Fuming! 作者:Robert Starling 裝訂/頁數:平裝/32頁 規格:26.6cm*25cm*0.6cm (高/寬/厚) ★★亞馬遜讀者5顆星推薦★★ ★★Waterstones Children's Book Award大獎★★★ ►情緒教育及品格涵養需要從小培養◄ 【我們都會有生氣的時候,可是我們可以找出冷靜下來的辦法】 小火龍費格是個善良的小傢伙, 不過只要事情不如他的意, 他就會非常――非常――非常生氣。 A dragon with a short temper is not a good combination, as Fergal's family and friends soon find out. He burns the dinner (literally), reduces the football goal to ashes and absolutely cannot play a nice, quiet board game. It is only when he starts to notice other animals have clever tricks to calm down that Fergal begins to win back his friends, especially when he discovers dragons can cool off in a very handy way.