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【折扣書】🍀精裝英文繪本Pond🍀Paula Wiseman🍀溫暖柔和的色鉛和水墨插畫展現迷人的池塘四季自然風光

商品編號:P0077804708703 原始貨號:P0077804708703
$ 389
  • 付款方式:
    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / ATM 轉帳
  • 運送方式:
    常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨付款 / 常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨不付款 / 宅配


特別說明: 全新書籍內頁完好,書籍底端內頁邊緣有少量紅色墨水,現特價出售!購買前請多加考量! Pond 作者:Jim Lamarche 裝訂/頁數:精裝/40頁 規格:28.6cm*25.4cm*1.3cm (高/寬/厚) 藍思閱讀分級: 600L The joy of the seasons, the wonder of discovery, and the appreciation and respect for the natural world is at the heart of this book, drawn from the childhood of award-winning illustrator Jim LaMarche. When Matt is out for a late winter hike he sees a trickle of water in the old deserted and junk filled dirt pit at the edge of his neighborhood. With quiet appreciation, Matt can imagine the pond that must once have been there, shining in the early spring light, freezing in the winter for skating and the perfect place for swimming in the summer. Can Matt’s discovery transform a forgotten pond to its natural wonder? With his idea of making the pond whole again, Matt rallies his friends, Katie and Pablo, and together they work through the spring, clearing debris, moving rocks to hold the water, and looking for leaks. But would there be enough water to fill the pond? Can they bring the pond back?