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現貨【贈音檔】🍀平裝英文繪本🍀Bringing Down the Moon🍀Vanessa Cabban【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804708324 原始貨號:P0077804708324
$ 278
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Bringing Down the Moon ISBN13:9781406373042 出版社:Walker Books 作者:Jonathan Emmett; Vanessa Cabban 裝訂/頁數:平裝/32頁 規格:26cm*21.5cm (高/寬) 出版日:2017/02/02 內容簡介 鼴鼠看見天上掛著一個亮晶晶的東西,好漂亮,可是不知道那是什麼?兔子、刺蝟、松鼠告訴牠,那是月亮,它很遠,是搆不到的。而鼴鼠仍不死心地爬到大樹上,看看能不能伸手就摘到,結果,哎喲……牠摘到月亮了嗎?…… https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134208-7r991-llrkrh2m8ja3e3 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134208-7r990-llrkrh367q8paa https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134208-7r98s-llrkrh2m9xuj22 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134208-7r98v-llrkrh2mbcez2f https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134208-7r98o-llrkrh2mcqzf2d Meet the little mole who thinks a lot and join him on his quest to bring down the moon. "Hot-diggerty! Whatever's that?" exclaims Mole as he burrows out of the ground one night and catches sight of the moon. He thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and he wants it, so he sets about trying to pull it down - to no avail. When all his efforts prove to be in vain, he suddenly notices the moon's in a puddle at his feet and reaches to pick it up and breaks it. Poor Mole is inconsolable, until he is shown that the moon is not broken at all, but just as beautiful as ever, hanging in the sky like a bright silver coin. And it's not as near as it looks!